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香港情歌王古巨基暌违 4 年

0126 和 0127 将带来一连两场以【爱】与【情】为主题


演唱会门票将于1212 中午 12 点正式开票!

何以印证一个人对一件事物的 “爱”?
他,从 “基仔” 到 “古Sir” 始终坚持着当日喜爱音乐的初心。
他,不管遇到任何的困境,都仍然积极地用不同的创意方式继续好好地玩音乐、做创作。 他,绝对是一个很爱唱歌的歌手,因为“爱” 所以一定要唱给你听!
“时间” 就是见证热情和梦想最佳的证据。

由TOPGALLANT SHOW超帆娱乐主办,ACO MEDIA有种传媒 为演唱会策划与统筹,古巨基《I REALLY LOVE TO SING》2024巡回演唱会大马站,将于2024年的1月26日(星期五),晚上 9 点正,和 1月27日(星期六),傍晚 6 点正,在云顶世界云星剧场,浪漫开唱!

时隔4年,古巨基终于再次发起与乐迷们的一场盛大的音乐聚会,一同欢唱《I REALLY LOVE TO SING 》2024巡回演唱会!《我真係好鍾意唱歌呀!》简单的一句话,呼唤出了他心中那对唱歌的执着与 热爱。从1994年出道至今,古巨基已创下29年的里程碑,历经千辛万苦创作且推出无数个证明自 己的音乐作品,《爱得太迟》、《爱与诚》、《必杀技》、《劲歌金曲》深深的烙印在每个人的心中;那耳熟能详的旋律,更触及着无数人的心灵深处。

古巨基说过:《畢業後做過跟車、售貨員、戲院帶位最後幸運地入咗行,做路人甲、節目主持人、電台DJ, 我,還是歌不離口》。 拥有众多身份的他,让大家从不同渠道认识的他,但唯独音乐才能造 就最纯粹的古巨基。

当首首的 “古式” 情歌旋律一奏起,一幕幕似曾相识的往事,那曾跌跌撞撞、懵懵懂懂的青春,全 因他的音乐歌曲,势必能泛起了你心中那一点点的涟漪,让你重拾初心,重拾起那时追梦的自信, 不惧怕前方的重重万难,继续前进!让我们尽情欢度一个充满音乐、回忆和怀旧之情的非凡夜晚 ,追念那段不同凡响的昔日时光吧!

演唱会门票将在 12月12日, 上午12点正,於 RWGENTING.COMTICKET2U.COM.MY 火热开票!打 开手机,调好闹钟,不要错过咯!

「别再做情人 做只猫做只狗 不做情人
做只宠物至少可爱迷人 和你不瞅不睬 最终只会成为敌人
沦为旧朋友 是否又称心 没有心 只像闲人
若有空 难道有空可接吻
注定似过路人陌生 你怎么手震」

约定你 0126、0127 古巨基《I REALLY LOVE TO SING》2024 巡回演唱会大马站,一连两场唱出你理想中的自己吧


VIP RM 1,088 | PS1 RM 788 | PS2 RM 588 | PS3 RM 388 | PS4 RM 288 (excluding ticketing fees)

欲知更多详情,记得留守 TOPGALLANT SHOW 和 ACO MEDIA有种传媒 官方面子书与Instagram,不要错过任何有关的消息哦!让我们共同打造一场属于古巨基与歌迷之间個個識唱我的歌的音乐盛宴吧!

古巨基《I REALLY LOVE TO SING》2024 巡回演唱会 – 大马站详情

日期2024126日(星期五)& 127日(星期六) 

时间:晚上 9:00PM (星期五);傍晚 6:00PM (星期六) 

地点:云顶世界,云星剧场 Arena of Stars

#古巨基 #LeoKu #古巨基IREALLYLOVETOSING大马站 #TopGallantShow #ACOMedia

Two days show with the theme of “Love” and “Passion” on 0126 and 0127. The concert tickets will go on sale at 12 pm on 12/12/2023

LEO KU, Hong Kong Famous Singer is coming next year!
Two days show with the theme of “Love” and “Passion” on 0126 and 0127
“I REALLY LOVE TO SING” is ready to sing for you!  The concert tickets will go on sale at 12 pm on 12/12/2023

Organized by TOPGALLANT SHOW, promoted by ACO MEDIA, LEO KU LIVE IN MALAYSIA will be held on January 26th, 2024 (Friday), on 9PM and January 27th, 2024 (Saturday), on 6PM, at Arena of Stars, Resorts World Genting.

After waiting for 4 years, Leo Ku finally announced his concert tour,. “I really love to sing!”, a simple sentence has enough power to arouse his passion and endurance in his music career. After going through innumerable painstaking productions and the release of countless musical works that have proven his music-creating, a few songs have been deeply embedded in each person’s heart. While his songs “Ai De Tai Chi”, “Ai Yu Cheng”, “Bi Sha Ji” and “Jing Ge Jing Qu” are playing, numerous people have had their emotions profoundly affected by that well-known melody.

Do you still remember the lyric book from which you used to copy lyrics? Can you recall those days when you sang songs while jotting down the lyrics? The lyric book, filled with memories, represents our youthful years and stands as a testament to the golden era of the music industry. Within each person’s handwritten lyrics book, there is undoubtedly a Yu-style love song.

Leo has been in many characters in his career such as a minor part in drama, emcee, and DJ of a radio station, but he still chose to sing no matter how busy he was. All his fans follow him on different channels including singers, actors, or emcees, but what they know is the signature existence of Leo Ku, must be the person who picked up the mic and “sing” his story to the audience.

When listening to Leo Ku’s songs, scenes of the past that seem familiar, the stumbling and ignorant youth, all because of his music and songs, are bound to make a little ripple in your heart, allowing you to regain your original intention and the dreams at that time. Be confident, don’t be afraid of the difficulties ahead, and keep moving forward! As we remember a remarkable period in the past, let’s enjoy an amazing evening which full of music, nostalgia, and recollections!

The tickets of LEO KU “I REALLY LOVE TO SING AROUND THE WORLD” LIVE IN MALAYSIA will be open on sales on the 12th December, 2023, at 12:00PM, via RWGENTING.COM and TICKET2U.COM.MY. Don’t forget to mark the date and get ready to purchase the tickets on time!

See you soon on 26th January and 27th January 2024, LEO KU “I REALLY LOVE TO SING AROUND THE WORLD” LIVE IN MALAYSIA at Arena of Stars, Resorts World Genting! Let’s sing out loud together with Leo Ku!

Stay tuned to TOPGALLANT SHOW & ACO MEDIA ‘s official Facebook & Instagram for more exciting updates!


Date: 26th January (Friday) & 27th January (Saturday), 2024
Time: 9:00PM (Friday); 6:00PM (Saturday)
Location: Arena of Stars, Resorts World Genting

Concert ticket price

VIP RM 1,088 | PS1 RM 788 | PS2 RM 588 | PS3 RM 388 | PS4 RM 288 (excluding ticketing fees)



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