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  • 暌违7年重返大马舞台 !林宥嘉1214登入吉隆坡

    (吉隆坡13日讯) 身为万千歌迷宠爱的“idol”,这次真的要来啦!粉丝敲碗许久的林宥嘉《idol 2024世界巡回演唱会》,吉隆坡落定12月14日举行。 林宥嘉2007年参加第一届《超级星光大道》入行,他的独特唱腔成功让不少人留下印象,代表作《说谎》、《自然醒》、《想自由》、《浪费》等等,每次只要前奏一下,就能让歌迷兴奋不已,一首接著一首的大合唱。林宥嘉的作品每每都能引起讨论,今年他亦没有松懈,推出了专辑《王 Love, Lord》,在筹备这张专辑时,所有的词曲、制作,都是建立并贴合在这个主题上,延展出10首不同面向,以“爱”作为核心贯穿的歌曲。 出道至今17年,林宥嘉曾于2017年首次在马来西亚举办《THE GREAT YOGA世界巡回演唱会》。去年他来马参加音乐节时,短短近一小时的演出,让歌迷表示听不过瘾,直接台下敲碗要他来开演唱会。如今,吉隆坡站的演唱会终于落实开演啦! 林宥嘉在2018年展开的《idol 世界巡回演唱会》直至2023年再重新重启。面对马来西亚歌迷的呼叫,林宥嘉《idol 2024 世界巡回演唱会》吉隆坡站确定12月14日在Mega Star Arena, Kuala Lumpur举行。 林宥嘉首次将idol带来吉隆坡,将透过音乐和视觉效果呈现idol的舞台。而这次吉隆坡站购买VIP以及CAT 1门票的歌迷,更有机会参与幸运抽奖,以享有粉丝福利,当中包括合照、签名海报、签名小旗帜、演唱会周边商品等。 Credit: Oriental Daily News Link to page:

  • aespa Bakal Gelar Konser '2024 aespa Live Tour - SYNK: Paralel Line' di Beach City International Stadium

    NAWACITAPOST.COM  - Girl group aespa akan kembali menyelenggarakan konser di Indonesia. Konser yang bertajuk 2024 aespa LIVE TOUR - SYNK: Parallel Line akan diadakan di Jakarta pada tanggal 24 Agustus 2024. Kabar ini pertama kali diumumkan melalui akun resmi Instagram aespa. Jakarta akan menjadi salah satu kota yang akan dikunjungi aespa selama tur tersebut. "2024 aespa LIVE TOUR - SYNK : Parallel Line. [JAKARTA] 2024.08.24," tulis akun resmi aespa via Instagram, Senin (19/2). Selain Jakarta, aespa juga dipastikan akan mengadakan konser di beberapa kota lainnya. Beberapa kota yang akan disinggahi oleh girl group SM Entertainment ini tersebar di Asia hingga Australia. Tur SYNK: Parallel Line akan dimulai di Seoul, Korea Selatan, pada tanggal 29-30 Juni 2024. Kemudian, mereka akan mengadakan konser di tiga lokasi di Jepang, yaitu Fukuoka, Nagoya, dan Saitama. Setelah itu, aespa akan menggelar konser di Singapura pada tanggal 20 Juli. Girl group ini juga akan kembali ke Jepang untuk konser di Osaka, lalu menuju ke Hong Kong dan Taipei. Jakarta akan menjadi kota kesembilan yang akan dikunjungi oleh aespa pada pertengahan tahun ini. Mereka akan melanjutkan tur dengan mengadakan konser di Sydney, Melbourne, Macau, dan Bangkok hingga September 2024. SM Entertainment juga akan mengumumkan beberapa kota lain yang akan disinggahi oleh aespa selama tur tersebut. Daftar kota yang belum diumumkan kemungkinan termasuk di wilayah Eropa hingga Amerika. 2024 aespa LIVE TOUR - SYNK: Parallel Line akan menjadi konser kedua aespa di Indonesia. Ini juga merupakan konser yang diselenggarakan setahun setelah aespa mengadakan konser solo SYNK: Hyper Line. Pada saat itu, mereka menggelar konser di Hall 10 ICE BSD City pada tanggal 24 Juni 2023. aespa menyajikan berbagai lagu dari mini album yang telah dirilis sejak debut mereka. Beberapa lagu yang dinyanyikan antara lain Next Level, Thirsty, Spicy, Lucid Dreams, Girls, dan Black Mamba. Karina, Winter, Ningning, dan Giselle juga tampil dengan penampilan solo dalam konser tersebut. Selain menggelar konser solo, aespa juga kembali ke Indonesia pada akhir tahun lalu. Mereka menjadi salah satu girl group yang tampil dalam acara SMTOWN Live 2023 SMCU Palace di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK). Credits: Media Nawacita Indonesia Link to page:

  • 时隔5年!郑中基615大马开唱

    期待已久的郑中基《Fragments of Wonder 郑中基世界巡回演唱会 – 马来西亚站》将于 6 月 15 日晚上 8 点,在吉隆坡 Mega StarArena 盛大举行! 继 2019 年在云顶世界举行的 《One more time 世界巡回演唱会》后,郑中基时隔五年再度带著他最新的巡演来马,为粉丝们带来更加难忘的舞台体验。 郑中基的音乐作品风格多样,涵盖了流行、舞曲、嘻哈等各种类型,深受听众的喜爱与追捧。他的歌曲多次登上各大音乐排行榜,更是屡获音乐奖项的肯定与嘉奖。从《左右为难》、《甲乙丙丁》、《我代你哭》、《无赖》到《My Only One》,每一首歌曲都是他音乐道路上的代表之作,传递著深厚的情感和精湛的艺术表达。 不仅如此,郑中基演唱会更是一场无与伦比的视听盛宴。他动人心弦的演唱,都能让观众沈浸在音乐的海洋中,感受到前所未有的视听享受。 这次马来西亚的演唱会,必将再次掀起一股音乐热潮,让粉丝们沈醉在郑中基带来的音乐世界中,创造出属于他们自己的美好回忆。 郑中基《Fragments of Wonder 郑中基世界巡回演唱会 – 马来西亚站》将在 2024 年 6 月 15 日,晚上 8时在 Mega Star Arena, KL 举行。 票价为 VVIP (Sofa Seat with 2 Pax) – RM1194, VIP – RM898, CAT 1– RM698, CAT 2 – RM598, CAT 3 – RM398, CAT 4 – RM288 并可在 2024 年 4 月 15 日下午 12 时于ETIX.MY 与TICKETINGTIX.COM 网站购买。 Credit: Oriental Daily News Link to page:

  • 中国新生代歌手井胧 601来马办个人演唱会

    中国新生代歌手井胧宣布将在马来西亚举办个人演唱会。这位曾以 “没懂得珍惜,那么轻易 《丢了你》” ⼀曲风靡全网,登顶多个⾳乐排⾏榜的音乐新秀将于6月1日,晚上7点半在吉隆坡Mega Star Arena 隆重登场。 从抖音平台走向选秀节目舞台,井胧通过参加知名节目《创造营2021》真正地走进了公众视野。他以独特的嗓音和富有穿透力的惊艳高音,赢得了广泛的认可与喜爱。 近年来,他受邀为多部热播电视剧演唱原声曲,如《苍兰诀》插曲《彼岸》和《周⽣如故》 概念曲《⽆虞》等等。他积极创造多元音乐风格,提升自己的表演实力,让自己成为一名全能艺人。 为了增添这场演唱会的热度,他特别邀请了他的音乐搭档,也是他的龙凤胎姐姐—井迪,作为特别嘉宾。他们将呈现一系列脍炙人口的歌曲,如《骁》、《太极》等,必将点燃全场,带给现场观众一场激情十足的演唱,大家千万不能错过! 由 TOPGALLANT SHOW 超帆娱乐 主办,C7VEN 和 ACO MEDIA 有种传媒 协办的,《井胧2024马来西亚演唱会》将是音乐迷们的一个重要时刻。当晚将呈现一系列精彩演出,让观众沉浸其中。 门票分别是:VIP RM 688、PS1 RM 488、PS2 RM 388、PS3 RM 288。此外,VIP票持有者将有机会与井胧合影集体照。 Credit: Oriental Online Link to page:

  • Super Junior KyuHyun to Light up the KL Stage for a Solo Concert

    ELFs, are you ready? Super Junior’s powerhouse vocalist KyuHyun is gracing Malaysia with his angel-like voice and visuals for his upcoming solo concert “Restart,” happening on April 13 at the Mega Star Arena. Announcing his Asia tour last month, he is also set to perform in Singapore, Hong Kong, and Bangkok, along with other cities in the region. Starting at RM268 for CAT 3, RM368 for CAT 2, RM588 for CAT 1, and RM698 for VIP, fans can get a Malaysia exclusive photocard (three designs per pax) and enter a raffle for a chance to take home a limited signed poster (limited to 25 pieces). Fans who will purchase CAT 1 and 2 can also join the raffle to get the chance to take home the exclusive photocards. ELFs can now purchase their tickets through BookMyShow’s website. Releasing his latest EP of the same name, KyuHyun’s music career started way back in 2005, when he debuted as part of the legendary K-Pop group Super Junior. Now, he’s set to meet his fans to share a fresh and different style of music. Stay tuned on WebTVAsia, the event’s local organiser, on Facebook and Instagram for more updates about his upcoming performance in the country. Date: April 13 Location: Mega Star Arena, F106, Level 1, Sungei Wang Plaza, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 55100 KL, Kuala Lumpur Starts from: Starts at RM268 Credit: The Beat Malaysia Link to page:

  • HK artiste Leo Ku to perform two shows in Genting Highlands

    Hong Kong artiste Leo Ku is stopping by Genting Highlands this month for his I Really Love To Sing Around The World concert tour. Ku, who last performed in Kuala Lumpur four years ago, will be staging two shows at the Arena of Stars, Resorts World Genting on Jan 26 and 27 at 9pm and 6pm respectively. Presented by Topgallant Show and ACO Media, the upcoming gig promises fans in Malaysia an unforgettable musical experience with its theme of love and passion. Concertgoers can expect snazzy dance moves from Ku as well as a diverse setlist, comprising old and new songs of various genres – from ballads to upbeat and energetic tracks. With a career spanning over three decades, Ku, 51, has left an indelible mark on the hearts of his listeners with classics such as Love Coming Home and Belated Love, as well as fan favourites like Shower and The Genius And The Idiot. He was named as one of the “Five Fresh Tigers of TVB” and has released over 35 albums over the course of his career. Tickets to the I Really Love To Sing Around The World tour in Malaysia, priced from RM288 to RM1,088, are available on and . Credit: The Star Link to page:

  • Taiwan entertainer Harlem Yu to stage two concerts at Genting next month

    KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 2 —Taiwanese entertainer Harlem Yu is set to perform for two nights at Arena of Stars in Resorts World Genting next month. Organised by Aco Media, the Harlem's Years concert will kick off at 9pm on November 24 and 8.30pm on November 25. Tickets priced between RM298 and RM798 will go on sale from October 10 at 10am. The 62-year-old is an accomplished Taiwanese singer-songwriter and television host, having won the 2002 Golden Melody Awards in the Best Mandarin Male Artist category for the song Tsunami. Among his notable songs are Qing Fei De Yi, the theme song for television series Meteor Garden starring F4, Barbie Hsu and Rainie Yang. Yu is also known for his love for Malaysian food. During his private visit here last year, Yu took to his Facebook page to sing praises of local food chain Ali, Muthu & Ah Hock. Credit : malaymail Link to page:


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